MINI | Custom Illustrated Portrait | NOVEMBER Schedule

MINI | Custom Illustrated Portrait | NOVEMBER Schedule

from CA$0.00

These mini portraits (character sizes are 1-4” depending on items) are a more affordable option in my same whimsical illustrative style. My ink and watercolor Portraits are thoughtfully created in my loose artistic interpretation based on your reference photo. Paper size is 11x14” to allow for framing flexibility. If you would like to include a full background, it will be approx. 8x10”.

**As the mini portraits are significantly smaller -the amount of detail on clothing will be more limited.


  1. Select the items you would like and adjust the quantity if needed & add to cart.

  2. When all your items have been added to your cart, proceed to checkout.

  3. Once you have completed checkout, your spot has been booked for the scheduled month (typically 2-3 months from time of ordering).

  4. Your reference photo is due by the end of the ordering month. Please be mindful when picking your reference photo. It is not important to have professional photos for reference photos, but make sure the photo represents the clothing, pose and hair you would like represented in the illustration. Portraits are loosely based on the reference photo in my whimsical artistic style and are not meant to be an exact replica. Please submit reference photo to

  5. I will email you a photo of the final piece before packaging and mailing it to you!

    **please note: Even though I ship expedited/tracked postage- shipping times are inconsistent and delayed for many places. Unfortunately this is out of my control and would recommend adding a ‘digital copy’ to your cart if you are wanting it as soon as your piece is completed.

** LOSS & LEGACY character is complimentary when 1+ additional characters are booked.

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